Sunday, January 30, 2011

Diabetes Menu Planning Goals

One of the best ways for diabetics to control the quality of their meals is to plan their diabetes menus. Diabetes menu planning means that you create a menu for the day, week, or even month that you stick to. A good diabetes menu plan will include diabetes snack options that will help to control your appetite as well as different diabetic meal options so that you don't get bored by eating the same foods over and over again.

Diabetes Menu Planning Goals

The goal of every diabetes menu plan should be to ensure that you have a balanced diet with an appropriate amount of:

• Carbohydrates (45%-65%) - Use more low Glycemic Index carbs than high

• Proteins (10%-35%) - Keep it lean

• Unsaturated fats (20%-35%) - Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

Diabetes menu planning is an also an excellent way to keep track of calories.
The average person should consume about 2,000 calories per day to ensure that their body functions properly and they have enough energy to be active. It is also recommended that the average person consumers about:

• 100 grams of protein (at 4Cal/gram)

• 275 grams of carbohydrates (at 4 Cal/gram)

• 56 grams of fat (at 9 Cal/gram) each day (yes - it is actually important to consume fat - that is monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats from plants and fish). Eat as little saturated fats as possible. Saturated fats mostly come from non-fish animals, like birds, cows and pigs.
Organic Skin Care

Tips On Controlling Diabetes

If you have diabetes then you know how important it is to try to keep it under control as best as you possibly can. There are many ways you can manage diabetes, and many things that you can do on your own. If you are on any kind of medication, you should be taking it every time you need to. Even if you are on a fixed income, there are many pharmaceutical companies that can supply you with medication at no cost to you, and the forms are pretty simple and straight forward.

If you are planning a trip, make sure that you plan ahead, and order more medication if needed. Be sure to bring along some kind of insulin pen, that doesn't need to be refrigerated, and travels well. Make sure that you have enough test strips, and make sure that the batteries for your monitoring equipment are fully charged, but bring extras from home in case you are on an extended stay.

Just because you have this disease, doesn't mean you can't eat at restaurants, but you have to be smart about your food choices. Read the ingredients closely, and try to stick with low calorie choices. You can have as many vegetables as you like, but should you choose to order a salad, make sure that you order the dressing on the side, then you can just dip the salad into it instead.

Enjoy your meal slowly, and try to take home any leftovers. You can also avoid over eating by ordering half meals if possible. Make sure that you monitor you levels, thirty minutes before eating, and an hour after meals. Also be careful that you are eating when you are supposed to, because if you aren't eating properly, this could lead to further problems later on.

Get regular exercise; a good cardiovascular work out can be in simple forms, such as walking or riding a bike. It is important that you get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day, whether at a gym, or at home. You need to maintain your weight and eat a healthy diet to prevent heart disease. Read the food labels when buying at grocery stores, check the calorie contents, what the portion sizes are, and stick to these to the letter.

There are many other valuable resources to help you manage your diabetes. You can find many helpful tips and information on the internet, as well as from your doctor. Make sure that you talk with your doctor before you change your diet or exercise routines, and keep in touch with him about your blood sugar levels, as well as your A1c hemoglobin number. This is important in case they need to up your medication dosage, or adjust it in other areas.

You don't have to let diabetes control your life, as long as you are doing what you need to do. Be informed about your diabetes, educate yourself, and those around you who may try to tempt you with things you know are bad for you. One last thing, people with this disease tend to have foot problems due to poor circulation, so you need to check your feet often, like with a mirror, after your bath or shower.

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Health Tips For Diabetes

All the people who are suffering from the problem of diabetes, here's good news for you all! This article provides you some great dietary tips that will certainly help in preventing the rise in your blood sugar levels.

It is true that diabetic people are well aware about the ill-effects and dangers of eating sugary food. They should totally avoid any intake of foodstuff that are sweet in taste in order to keep the sugar count in their blood in balanced state.

Moreover you would be little sad to read that apart from limited intake of sugar content, one should also limit the salt intake in diet as well. Say a big 'no' to oily and fried foodstuffs in diet. Stay away from saturated fats and junk food items.

Certain restrictions are undoubtedly necessary for people suffering from diabetes but it does not mean that they should skip their meals and starve. Instead they should enrich their daily diet with healthy breakfast in morning. They should go for rich balanced diet. They should include green leafy veggies as well as colorful fruits in their daily life. You would be glad to read that intake of whole grains are highly beneficial for diabetic people.

People suffering from diabetes should limit the intake of dietary fat in their diet. If you are non vegetarian, then go for lean meat options only.

Moreover all the diabetic people should remember that there are certain food items that can naturally help in lowering the blood sugar levels in your body. These food items include fenugreek, flaxseed, bitter gourd, garlic. So make sure you include these healthy food items in your daily Diabetes diet to keep the sugar level under control. They should drink plenty of water in their daily diet and limit the alcohol consumption.
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